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Cased Dimensions Ltd

Cased Dimensions sponsors charity events like 75th Youth Action for NI

Cased Dimensions are proud to be sponsoring the 75th Anniversary Fundraiser for Youth Action Northern Ireland.

The theme for the fundraiser is Stars in Your Eyes and will be hosted by Pamela Ballantine. Also in attendance will be Patron Lady Mary Peters and actor Ciaran Hyndes.

YouthAction NI has successfully strived for 75 years, to make a significant difference to the lives of young people and their communities by providing unique, life changing opportunities.

Young people’s health and wellbeing is their core aim. Everything they do is underpinned by exceptional youth work principles and practices.

Find out more about their amazing work here www.youthaction.org and good luck from Cased Dimensions to all those who are taking part.

75h Youth Action for NI

Cased Dimensions Macmillan Coffee Morning

Another charity event was held on 30th September when our Cased Dimension staff enjoyed a pause in their busy schedules with a cuppa, cake and a quick catch-up with colleagues in aid of Macmillan’s World’s Biggest Coffee Morning.

Macmillan is funded by charitable donations, which enables them to offer constant support to those diagnosed with cancer and their families. They offer all types of assistance from financial assistance and work advice to providing a shoulder to lean on when those affected need to talk. Last year they raised over £27 million from people all over the world hosting coffee mornings for them.

There are plenty of ways to get involved with Macmillan cancer support, but we felt that hosting a coffee morning was an excellent way for our business to be a part of this very special cause. Our staff threw themselves into the task of raising as much money as possible and the coffee morning was a huge success and over £350 was raised for Macmillan Cancer Support.

Staff Macmillan Coffee Morning
Staff Macmillan Coffee Morning
Cased Dimensions Macmillan Coffee Morning

Mandi Dhliwayo, HR Manager at Cased Dimensions said “this was a great morning of fundraising at Cased Dimensions. It was also really great for the teams to leave their desks and socialise and network in the office over a cup of tea and a slice of cake”.


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