Our Locations

Cased Dimensions HQ

Cased Dimensions HQ Belfast
    • 24 Linenhall Street
    • Belfast, BT2 8BG
    • United Kingdom
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Location and Contact Details in United Kingdom

  • Belfast
  • 2nd Floor
  • 24 Linenhall Street
  • Belfast, BT2 8BG
  • United Kingdom
  • Birmingham
  • 1st Floor
  • 11 Waterloo Street
  • Birmingham, B2 5TB
  • United Kingdom

Location and Contact Details in Ireland

CD Monaghan HQ Office
  • Monaghan
  • HQ
  • M:TEK Building
  • Armagh Road
  • Monaghan
  • Republic of Ireland
CD Dublin Office
  • Dublin
  • Pembroke House
  • 28-32
  • Upper Pemboke Street
  • Dublin
  • Republic of Ireland
CD Cork Office
  • Cork
  • City Gate Office Space
  • BLDG 1000
  • Unit 1201
  • City Gate, Mahon
  • Republic of Ireland

Location and Contact Details in United States of America

CD Boston Office
  • Boston
  • Statestreet
  • 60 State Street
  • Suite 700, Boston
  • Massachusetts 2109
CD Newark Office
  • Newark
  • Cased Dimensions Inc.
  • 40 East Main Street
  • Suite 572
  • Newark, DE 19711
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